Is it cold or warm at the ass of the world? Is there an ass of the world? The world is round, isdn't it? Today I decided to visit the ass of the world, something normal. At the train station I look at the ticket automat for ass under a, but no ass under a. Japanese Tourists taking pictures. The ass have to be somewhere arround. The dayticket! I take the next train. A lot of people with walkman, province. There are sitting four men probably here to seek for asylum. Where do all these people go?
Muttenz, Pratteln, Frenkendorf,... it won't stop. Ten people get in, ten out. From trainstation to trainstation. The four men prepare for leaving the train. I decide to follow them.
Like in a movie I buy a newspaper, the blick, make to holes in it, I don't want to be seen. They go to the postcar terminal. Elektronic boards everywhere. The way to the ass could not be so confortable... That stinks after money, but who said that the ass of the world isn't rich?
Three of them get in a postcar. In the postcar there are only two more elderly people. The ass of the world, an old ass? On a big digital watch I can see the time, climatisation as usual. I take the time to read the Blick, nothing than konservative pornography, tits, asses, stupid themes, even more stupid headlines and three pages of tele kiosk, sport, statistics and motor tests.
Endstation, the three men get away. The elderly are looking satisfied. The three are entering a civil bunker. I can hear a gun shooting. "Today there is shooting training for the men 53-58:" Everything's fine. Once again a guns shooting. I don't believe me at the ass of the world.
"And what do you protect here?"
"We're looking that nobody gets out."
"Why out?"
"That nobody of them takes our jobs!"
"And how many do you have inside?"
"eight, Bern wants to send one more. The village is going to revolt!"
I don't like to answer him, that this village couldn't be good for the next one, he could get it wrong.
"Can I have a look inside?"
"No, you have to have a permission."
"So I get one."
"Go to the community!"
The community that means going back to the village. An old woman coming from the denner satelit shopping center is looking at me in a afraid way. I'm stopping, she get's angry. What the hell do I wrong? Could somebody help me? I just want to find the ass of the world!
I want to take a bath in a Hammam. Three men looking like gorillas are driving up to me.
"I'm looking for a bathhouse!"
"No problem we bring you there!"
Fine. But there's something wrong. They stop at the edge of the forest.
"Take down your trousers"
They start kicking my ass. In my left pocket I have my luck bringer. I take it and close my eyes. I find myself in a real Hammam and the three goriallas changed into masseurs. It feels good but suddenly I see the face of one gorilla, i can flee in their car. I close the doors, luckily that the chief gorilla left the key in the car. Let's have a look how I can drive such a monster. I hurry away to the trainstation with only one thing in mind leave the ass of the world.