EditorialI love U ezine comes out every month printedition can be ordered at response@i-love-u.ch
EditorsPatrick BuehlerPhilipp GysinEva MichalcakRuth BugmanAlice CantaluppiChristian KnörrPhilipp SchulzAdnan Hadzi
Contributionsphotographs 'Beschmutzung', photographer: Christian Knörr, model: Mental X'Stadtanatomie': Eva Michalcakphotographs erotic ass, photographer: Lu Dick, styling: Ruth Bugmann, make up: Martina Böhler, model:report 'journey to the ass of the world', drawings: Barbara Bug, text: Philipp Gysin'Arschprothese': Rainer Gelbasslinks: Philipp Gysin, Adnan Hadzimusic: Philipp Schulzasscompetition: Katja Jugprogrammers: Eva Michalcak, Philipp Gysin, Adnan Hadziprintversion: Ruth Bugmann
ThanksMichael Saladin, Urs Binder (Magnet.com); Motor Internetagentur; Lucia Michalcak; Frédéric Etchevéry; Adrian Bachthold; XS! Gallery; Steven Wisard; Angela Mastrotta; Freddy (Soho); @Home
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